Cancellation policy

We're sorry to hear that you'd like to cancel your policy that you have with us. Before you go, please make sure that you've read our cancellation policy to avoid any doubts.

Reading time - 2 minutes

Last updated - 19/10/2022

What counts as a cancellation?

A cancellation is where a customer has requested to cancel their policy and when this has been approved by Appliance Sure Ltd.

How to request cancellation?

If you would like to request the cancellation of your policy you can do so one of the following methods:

Online: Click here to visit complaints

Call us: 0203 953 6001

Email us:

Write to us (post to include cancellation form on your terms and conditions)

Appliance Sure Ltd
2nd Floor Melrose House
42 Dingwall Road

Approving or rejecting your cancellation request

If during the contractual year of which your policy is currently in, you have utilised the services outlined within the terms and conditions, your cancellation request will be rejected and you will remain liable for any payments that are due within the contractual year. You may at this stage inform us that you do not wish to renew your policy, whereupon upon completion of the contractual year, we will cancel and not renew your policy.

If during the contractual year of which your policy is currently in, you have not utilised the services outlined within the terms and conditions, your cancellation request will be approved subject to the terms and conditions.

Appliance Sure Ltd will inform you of your cancellation request approval or rejection within 2 working days from receiving your cancellation request.

Your obligations when making a cancellation request

By requesting cancellation you agree to:

  1. Provide Appliance Sure Ltd with any information that Appliance Sure requests from you, including but not limited to the reasons for your request
  2. Answer the appointed phone number associated with your policy should Appliance Sure require to talk to you in order to approve or reject your request. If we have left you a voicemail you must return our phone call within 7 working days. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation request being rejected.
  3. If you have requested cancellation via email and or online, we may email you with our decision and or requesting further information. Failure to reply to these emails within 7 working days of them being sent will result in rejection of your cancellation request.

Who is authorised to request cancellation?

We will only accept a cancellation request from the named person associated with the policy. Request of cancellation from anyone other than the named policy holder will be automatically rejected, unless:

  • We have received prior correspondence appointing an additional person to the policy
  • We have received prior correspondence detailing the appointment of a Power of Attorney and have received supporting documentation providing confirmation of this appointment
  • We are informed of a Power of Attorney during the cancellation request process, whereupon we will request supporting documentation providing confirmation of this appointment and will pause the cancellation process until such a time as the supporting documentation has been sent to us.

Citizens Advice Bureau

Citizens Advice Bureau offers an impartial advice service that is free to use. If you are dissatisfied with any outcomes from your cancellation request and or would like to seek free advice on services Appliance Sure has provided to you before and or after requesting a cancellation, you can refer the matter to the Citizens Advice Bureau. The contact details for Citizens Advice Bureau are:

Citizens Advice Bureau
3rd Floor North
200 Aldersgate
Registered charity number: 279057

Terms & conditions

Nothing aforementioned within this Complaints Policy will supersede and or contradict Appliance Sure’s:

  • Policy terms & conditions
  • Privacy policy
  • Website terms of use